Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Eating Out vs. Eating

How much you earn has a great deal to do with whether you choose to eat out or eat in. Eating out may not be a problem for you if you make a lot of money. Let’s say you make $15 an hour, $20 or $30. You eat out twice a week, which the cost can range from $20-60. You just spent $20 on a meal that you finished in 30 minutes or less and it took you 60 minutes or more to earn that? Personally I just don’t see the value in that. The amount of time that you have also affects the choice of eating out or eating in. A main drive behind the trend to dine out is time.

Eating Home or Eating Out

To human, eating now is not only an action to survive. But it has also become one kind of culture. People now are not only care of what or how they eat. But where they eat is also important. Nowadays, people are too busy with school and work. So, most of the people think that it is more comfortable to eating out than eating at home. But in my point of view, I’d still prefer eating at home than eating out.